- NPHC2024Results
- Population
- Special Age Groups
- Special Age Groups, Less than 1 year
- Size By District
- Broad Age Groups
- Population By Sex
- Special Age Groups, 65 years and above
- Special Age Groups, 6 to 15 years
- Special Age Groups, 6 to 12 years
- Special Age Groups, 20 years and above
- Special Age Groups, 2 to 8 years
- Special Age Groups, 2 to 17 years
- Special Age Groups, 2 years and above
- Special Age Groups, 18 years and above
- Special Age Groups, 16 to 24 years
- Special Age Groups, 15 to 29 years
- Special Age Groups, 15 to 24 years
- Special Age Groups, 15 years and above
- Special Age Groups, 10 to 17 years
- Special Age Groups, 10 to 15 years
- Special Age Groups, 10 years and above
- Special Age Groups, 0 - 8 years
- Special Age Groups, 0 - 4 years
- Household Headship By Ages
- Headship of Households By Sex
- Male Headed Households
- Female Headed Households
- Broad Age Groups, 60+ years
- Broad Age Groups, 31 to 59 years
- Broad Age Groups, 18 t0 30 years
- Broad Age Groups 0 to 17 years
- Household Characteristics
- Main Source of Information is telephone
- Households that depend on subsistance farming as a main source of livelihood
- Main Source of Information is radio
- Source of Information is community announcer
- Remittances
- Households that use tadooba for lighting
- Has access to Electricity
- Has Bank Account
- No. of Meals
- ICT Use
- Ownership of mobile phones
- Ownership of mobile phones (Both Sexes 10+), Has a Phone
- Ownership of mobile phones (Both Sexes 18 - 30 years), Has a Phone
- Ownership of mobile phones (Males 10+ years), Has a Phone
- Ownership of mobile phones for Males ages 18 - 30 years
- Ownership of mobile phones for Females ages 18 - 30 years
- Ownership of mobile phones (Female 10+ years), Has a Phone
- Marriage and Child Bearing
- Household Health and Hygiene
- Household Health and Hygyiene
- Households without a toilet facility
- Not Free Net
- Households that own atleast a mosquito net
- Households that use a borehole
- Households that properly dispose off solid waste
- Households that are not living in decent dwellings
- Has Access to Piped Water
- Household Assets
- Male headed households that are owner occupied
- Female Headed Households that are owner occupied
- Households that own a television
- Households that own a radio
- Households that own a computer
- Households that are owner occupied
- Birth registration
- Education
- Literacy Status of persons Aged 18+
- Illiteracy Status of other Age groups (60 and above Illiterate)
- Illiteracy Status of other Age groups (18 - 30 Years, Illiterate)
- Illiteracy Status of other Age groups (10 - 17 Illiterate)
- Highest Grade Completed for Persons not in School aged 18+
- Highest Grade Completed for Persons not in School aged 15+
- 6 to 12 years not attending primary school
- 6 to 12 years attending primary school
- 13 to 18 years attending secondary school
- 13 to 18 years Attending Secondary School
- Highest Grade Completed for Persons not in School aged 20+
- Disability
- Housing Conditions