March 31, 2022

CPI March 2022, Press Release

The inflation rate as measured by the Consumer Price Index for Uganda for the 12 months to […]
March 31, 2022

QGDP Press Release Q2 2021-22 Released

Year on Year Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (QGDP) for the Second Quarter (Q2) of 2021/2022 grew by […]
March 31, 2022

Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) Q3 2021/22 Press Release

Year on Year quarterly Residential Property Price Index (RPPI)  for Q3  2021/2022 decreased to minus 5.8 percent […]
March 31, 2022

PPI Agriculture Upto December 2021

The Inflation rates are measured by the Producer Price Index Agriculture (PPI-A) for 12 months to December […]
March 31, 2022

Job Advert – Cartographic / Mapping Assistant

UBOS is seeking dynamic, competent, self-motivated, result oriented, and a good team players of strong character and […]
March 21, 2022

Construction Sector Index – February 2022

The inflation as measure by the construction sector index for Uganda for the 12 months to February […]
March 21, 2022

Producer Price Index M&U – Feb 2022

The inflation as measured by the producer price index for manufactured good and utilities for the 12 […]
March 21, 2022


Bid Notices for Supply of Audit Software. An addendum to the solicitation document has been issued Under […]
March 14, 2022

Announcement of successful candidates for the position of data entry Operator and Data Editor on the National Live stock Census

Following the recently concluded interviews for the positions of data entry operator and Data editor for the […]