Type of ownership under which a business has legal status according to the National law. These include
i. Sole Proprietorship
A business which is solely owned by one person with unlimited liability i.e. the person has total responsibility for all aspects of risk-taking and management of the business.
ii. Partnership
A business jointly owned by two or more persons, each with unlimited liability, and for which the distribution of investment, extent of risk taken and management
responsibility is agreed between the partners (the agreement may/may not be in writing).
iii. Private Limited Liability Company
An organization registered under the Companies Act and is comprised of shares of specified limited liability, the majority of which are owned by government. It has a
legal entity separate from its shareholders.
iv. Public Limited Liability
A company or business established in which total ownership is by the State.
v. Statutory Corporation
An organisation established by an Act of Parliament, which is neither a Public Limited Company nor a Department of the Public Service under leadership of a Board or
Trust that is responsible or answerable to a given Ministry of the State.
vi. Co-operative
A joint venture arrangement between growers or traders with common interest which includes the word “co-operative” in its title, and is created within the legislative
provisions of the Co-operatives Act. Each Co-operative is owned and controlled by those who formed it.
vii. Joint Government Venture
A business arrangement that caters for interests of both the private sector (i.e. Sole Proprietorship, Private Limited Company or Cooperative) and at least one
Government or Statutory Corporation.
viii. Religious Organisation
An institution operating under any religious denomination employing at least one person such as the; Catholic Church, Church of Uganda, Seventh Day Adventist
Church, Orthodox Church, Islam and Pentecostal Churches.
ix. Non Governmental Organisation (NGO)
All businesses operating under a recognised non-profit making organisation but employing at least one person.
x. Parastatal
A quasi-government organisation instituted by decree or by an Act of Parliament and designed to perform specific functions on behalf of Government such as Uganda
Coffee Development Authority, and Uganda Exports Promotion Board.
Last Update: 2019-02-06 12:38:47